CRIS Testing Documetationn

Hello all,

We are in the process of testing a new version of CRIS and was wondering if anyone has a testing script/document they follow? Magentus don’t have one unfortunately.

Many thanks in advance



We have encountered the same issue in our region. I have managed to source a test script from 2012 but unfortunately I cannot find an electronic version. I have scanned in and attached, hopefully you will be able to view this and will be a good starter for a test script. If you are unable to view please feel free to drop me an email.

Apologies its not the best quality scanned document.

Kind Regards


Tom Leyland

Clinical Lead for Imaging Digital Systems
Clinical Informatics


WWL Scanned Document.pdf (4.76 MB)


That’s for sharing that, just snaffled it. :slight_smile:

Hi All, out of interest how much testing has the supplier performed and shared with you?
As I feel a lot of NHS/customer resources are spent testing for the supplier, especially when the supplier should be passing a solution over to you to just for UAT, sharing any known issues.
UAT should only be to test for confidence and possibly components that the supplier is unable to test. Having robust Test Entry Gates prior to going into UAT can save us all a lot of time.
Good Luck with the testing!l

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