Fundamentals of Radiology I.T. (Foundations of HL7, DICOM and GDPR) 17-October-2021

17th October 2021

The next available public date for the very popular one day course covering the technical basics of Radiology I.T., including PACS, RIS and their interactions with wider clinical applications such as EPR, electronic requesting, the IEP etc.

The fundamentals of HL7 and DICOM will also be introduced at a level suitable for radiographers and those who are new to informatics, as well as coverage of career progression pathways, image sharing and the impact of the GDPR.

Venue: Manchester

This subsidised non-profit course is tailored for those with an interest but minimal or no prior formal knowledge of PACS, including Radiographers, Students, PACS Administrators, I.T. Support, Supplier Staff or other interested parties. Topics will be presented from the UK perspective (both NHS and private).

Cost £50 + ticketing.

Due to high demand (and the low cost!), online booking is via