HIMSS Committees Call for Volunteers - October 2023

HIMSS Committees Call for Volunteers Opens 18th September 2023
HIMSS members are an essential part of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society’s vision to realise the full health potential of every human, everywhere.

Those who wish to apply for a two-year term of service on a HIMSS Committee can choose from one of 12 health information and technology committees where members can:

  • Develop research, tools and resources with fellow experts
  • Build a strong network of like-minded colleagues
  • Contribute to the global advancement of health and healthcare

The application is open until 3rd October 2023. The selection and notification process will occur in November and December. Committee terms will begin on 1st January 2024.

We want you to bring your expertise, passion, and unique perspective to our table as we gear up for a new chapter of innovation and collaboration.

Join us on a two-year adventure of making waves and shaking things up on one of our HIMSS Committees. As a HIMSS volunteer committee member, you get to:

  • Brainstorm brilliant ideas and create cutting-edge resources with fellow gurus.
  • Expand your network with a bunch of awesome, like-minded pals.
  • Play your part in leveling up global health and healthcare – be a changemaker