Need to automatically generate dummy DICOM pictures for specific bookings

Good afternoon,

I’m trying to figure a workaround for an issue.

We’re PACS based reporting, which requires there to be images in a study for it to be reported.

One workflow I’ve not been able to move over from RIS is the reporting of assessment visits, which need a documented report but have zero images.

Is anyone aware of any method by which a dummy image could be generated for every single assessment visit booking? This is the last obstacle to me rolling out PACS reporting across the whole of Radiology.

All the best


We have a product called nexus which can receive HL7, forward that on to PACS, modify it if required but then create a DICOM Study with a SC in it based on any HL7 information. It can also do other bespoke workflows configured by you.

Hi Andy.

We have been working on this functionality for InSight 9.5. This version will allow loading and reporting of booked zero image studies. This will be available later this year. The studies (and historicals) with their reports will also be viewable in InSight Zero.

Kind regards,

Ian Lindsay

We have a configuration within PACS which allows users to report any study without images… I suggest to check out your PACS configuration or check with your vendor…

Thanks Ian,

That’s good to know it’s only a few months away. In the meantime, I’m going to give Nick from Pukka-J’s suggestion a try - should in theory bridge the gap until the functionality is built directly into InSight.

All the best


Hi Andy,

Until Insight 9.5 is released, if you have Rhapsody, you can configure it to send a dummy image to PACS based on the corresponding accession/booking number in the RIS. No need for Pukka-J