Request: Photo of Stack of Radiology CDs for Article

Evening all!

Can anyone take me a photo of a messy stack or pile of Radiology CDs (in Trust cardboard cases if that’s how you have them) next to a Rimage / Codonics or just on a desk? It’s to illustrate an upcoming SoR article on the still widespread use of CDs.

The CDs can be new ones or mixed used ones (upside down so no PID).

Ta in advance!

Hi @alex. I don’t have a photo but interested why would anyone would have a pile of DICOM CDs?

I’d have thought that when you need to burn them you would send them straight out. For the ones you receive you would import and then bin/destroy them securely? I’m thinking you would only have a pile if you have a big import backlog?

Looking forward to reading the article when it’s out. Please post up a link :+1:

I guess there’s two scenarios… a pile of new ‘unused’ disks (less impressive if they are just blank, but a lot of Trusts have branded disks or pre-printed cardboard cases stocked up), or a pile of disks ‘waiting to be collected’ after import.

Received now, thank you!
